Taizhou Zhongyuan New Materials Co., Ltd. Taizhou Zhongyuan New Materials Co., Ltd.

Zhongyuan New Materials
 Nickel Chloride



 PROPERTY:bgreen or grass green crystal,airslaked in dry air and deliquescenced in damp air,water lost partly when heated and all water lost when it is higher 140 centigrade and turn into brown chlordidize nickel.can be dissovled in water,ethanol and ammonia,water solution is acid.


Grade Ni≥
ccontent of impurity(≤)
Zn Cu Fe SO3
first class 24.5 0.005 0.05 0.05 0.02
second class 24.0 0.005 0.10 0.05 0.05

 USE:used for plate and absorbefacient of gas mask,also used asactivator and antiseptic.

 PACKING:sealed by double deck of PVC,additionally packed by weaved knit,net weight is 25 kilogram per package.

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